Friday, October 3, 2008

Flying Raisins

Kids really do say the darnedest things, and I know I ought to write the stuff down. I also know myself, and I will never keep up with a paper journal. So I decided I should put it all into a new blog. THAT'S something I know I can maintain. My daughters are 3-1/2 (Keira) and 22 months (Kaley), so I need to start now while they still like hanging out with me.

A few months ago Kaley was sitting at the dining room table reading a book when I noticed her holding it oddly close to her face. When I looked more carefully, I noticed her tongue was pressed against the cover. Before I even realized it, I heard the words come out of my mouth as I reached over to put the book back down on the table.

"Don't lick the book."

By the time my brain caught up with my mouth, I couldn't stop giggling. I realized that my kids weren't the only ones who were saying silly things, so I started jotting them down when they happened. Here are some of the other goofy things that I rarely (or never) said before I had kids:

"Keep the crayons out of your ears."
"Get your toes out of your mouth."
"Get your elbow out of your cup."
"Get the animals out of the dinosaur."
"Don't throw the raisins."
"No kissing the trash can."

That last one is one of my favorites...

1 comment:

Terri Clark said...

I am a fan of Keira and Kaley since their torment of their mother provides me with endless amusement. Often, when I am on the phone with her, I get to hear little snippets of perfect child logic. This is one of my favorites:
Keira - Mommy, can i have a snack?
Mom - Can yu see that I am on the phone?
Keira - Yes, but can I have a snack?
Mom - No, you just ate. What time is it away?
Keira - Snack time.