Wednesday, June 20, 2012


"Mommy, how would you feel about if Keira and me and Keira's animals and my animals all got together and built our own robot unicorn? It's a robot, but it's real, and you can even pet it. I mean, if we build it, will you think it's cool? Will you pet it? Can I ride it in my room? Well, it's invisible, so here are some invisible eyes so you can see it. Just put them on and you'll see - wait, where did it go? Oh, there it is. Hey, is it OK if I bring Selena Gomez over? She wants to make her own unicorn. Mine is just like the one on Imagination Movers because I love that show."


bloggin’ in b-flat said...

Wow! What was your answer?

Christy said...

Does it look to you like I could get a word in edgewise?

Linda Davick said...

..."and you can even pet it."