Monday, July 27, 2009


Kaley has recently become very aware of traffic laws. I jokingly call her Officer Kaley, but it's barely a joke. Any time she sees a red light, she screams, "RED LIGHT!!" and expects me to stop immediately. Not at the intersection, but as soon as the red light is in view.

Today we were out running errands, and I came to an intersection at which I needed to make a right turn... on a red light. I stopped first, looked carefully, even waited longer than usual, but as soon as the car started moving she began to scream.

"Mommy, the light is red! Stop! Stop!"

I began explaining that making a right turn on red is perfectly acceptable as long as the car comes to a complete stop first and no one else has the right of way.

She replied, "Mommy, I have my mad eyebrows on now."